Includes: Materials, Preparation, Finishing, Firing and Shipping of finished pots within the UK

These workshops are designed for adults, no previous experience is necessary, but if you have made pots before, or have an interest in archaeology, the course will add to your skills and knowledge of the subject. The course combines basic pottery making techniques, history and archaeology, but most of all they are fun. They are very much hands-on workshops, working with Replica pots and original finds, you will learn about the special properties of each type of Roman pottery. We will look at the history, the materials involved, the forming methods and the decorating techniques, but most of all you will get to make your own replica, which will be fired and returned to you. Again, no previous pottery or archaeological experience is needed. All materials and equipment will be provided, although wearing old clothes, and/or bringing along an apron would probably be a good idea. All pots and tools that you make during the workshop are yours to keep.

During this workshop participants will learn about Roman Samian Ware, Terra Sigillata, arguably the World's first truly mass-produced pottery. Much of the decorated Samian Ware produced in Gaul between the first and third centuries AD, was made in moulds. So you will create your own set of punches and decorated mould, which will be used to to make your own Samian Ware Bowl, using the same methods, tools and materials that the original Gaullish potters would have used, nearly two thousand years ago. All of which will be fired and returned to you. You will learn about the special properties of Tera Sigillata slip, the coating that gives Samian Ware its beautiful shine.

Image above is Vindolanda ancient samian pottery uncovered in 2018.

Maxium 10 people per session - book early to avoid disappointment.

Graham Taylor is a potter, experimental archaeologist and ancient pottery technology specialist, based in Rothbury, Northumberland. He has worked with the Vindolanda trust for a few of years and runs workshops, demonstrations and has built a working replica Roman kiln in our gardens. He specialises in Prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon pottery. To learn more about Potted History visit their website.

The Workshop runs from 10am until 3:30pm. Afterwards you will have time to visit the Vindolanda Site & Museum.

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Ticket Quantity Price

Samian Potted History Masterclass - 10th August

Decrease Increase £110.00