Where is Hadrian’S WALL? It runs from the mouth of the River Tyne in the east to the Solway Firth in the west.

Distance: 80 Roman miles (118km or 74 modern miles)

Height: 4.75m or 15 Roman feet. (evidence based on a flight of steps at a milecastle)

Width: 10 Roman feet or 3m.

Start date: AD122

Finish date: AD128

Built by: Legionary troops

Garrisoned by: Auxiliary troops

Milecastles: at every Roman mile a small fortified gateway was built to house 20-30 men.

Milecastle 39 near Steel Rigg

Turrets: two turrets were placed between every milecastle approximately 1/3 of a Roman mile apart. They were used for signalling and observation and were probably close to 9m (30ft) high.

Wall ditch: an 8.2m wide and 2.75m deep (27ft and 9ft) V shaped ditch was dug to the north of the Wall.

Wall forts: the decision was made after the Wall was started to add 15 Wall forts and to have them garrisoned by auxiliary troops. These include Magna (Nr. the Roman Army Museum), Great Chesters, Birdoswald, Chesters and Housesteads.

The Vallum: at 5.9m (20 Roman feet) wide and 5.9m deep this ditch to the south of the wall separated the military zone from the civilian areas.

What is the purpose of Hadrian’s Wall? this question is still unanswered. It certainly helped the Roman soldiers to monitor the movements of people in and out of the empire. It also reminded people about the might of Rome and marked the edge of the empire. It is hoped that continuing research and excavation in the Wall area will give more information about the Wall and the people who lived here.