Many people have worked together to develop many of the projects that you can see at Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. In producing the Missing Dead game, The Vindolanda Trust work with many people from the Funders who help to pay for the app to the physical anthropologist who helped to identify the human remains at the site. Read below to find out more.

Project manager

NAME: Claire Stocks

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Lecturer in Classics, Newcastle University

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: managed the project. Worked with the curator in designing the story for the game. Worked with the artist and programmers to produce a game that would be fun to play on site. Worked with local schools as part of the testing of the game. Helped to co-run ‘Discover’ Arts Award Days at Vindolanda.


NAME: Barbara Birley

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Curator, Vindolanda Trust

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: worked with the project manager, artist and others to make sure the app was historically correct and in keeping with the Vindolanda story. Brought in the archaeologist and anthropologist to check facts.

Forensic Anthropologist

NAME: Trudi Buck

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, Durham University

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: I analysed the bones of the skeleton to find out how old the child was when they died, where they had come from and how they had lived.  I collaborated with the archaeologist to establish the context of the burial to help interpret the remains.


NAME: Gareth Slack

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Freelance Artist

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: Designed and produced the artwork for the game. Worked with the project manager, curator, and programmers to ensure that the artwork was historically accurate and worked within the game. Spoke about artwork to Schools.

Games Lab

NAME: Graham Morgen

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Reader, School of Computing, Newcastle University

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: Oversaw the concept, design, and programming of the game.

NAME: Rich Davidson

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Lecturer in Computer Science, Newcastle University

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: Worked closely with the project manager and artist to programme the game. Worked with local schools to test the game.

Funders: Arts Council England

NAME: Nikola Burdon

JOB TITLE & PLACE OF WORK: Relationship Manager, Museums, Arts Council England, Newcastle Office

WHAT I DID FOR THE PROJECT: Arts Council was one of the funders that gave money to help make this project happen. I gave advice to Newcastle University and Vindolanda before they made their application to Arts Council.  I then monitored the progress of the project and released payments of money.